When fighting elephants;Be prepared to push them off a cliff
We often face seemingly insurmountable challenges. The phrase "when fighting elephants, push them off a cliff" is an unconventional metaphor that encourages innovative thinking when tackling challenges that appear overwhelming. Another way to look at it is the story of pyrrhic victories. You may win but you don’t want that elephant falling on you.
First and foremost, you need to identify the elephants in your organization. These are the significant, imposing obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. They may include internal challenges such as outdated technology, inefficient processes, or something as devastating as a material weakness in financial reporting. Alternatively, your elephants could be external factors like competition, a pandemic, or new regulatory constraints. Recognizing these challenges is the first step to developing a strategic action plan. It’s critical to understand all the parameters before you act. Measure twice, and cut once.
Pushing that elephant off a cliff involves an in-depth analysis of the terrain and recognizing the opportunities and vulnerabilities around you. This translates to thoroughly analyzing your organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). Over the years, I’ve evolved to a SWOT+ that calls out Observed Effects, Measurements (Snapshot Samples), Opportunities, and Transformation (Action Plan). Here is a link https://www.lawrenceilerner.com/moto
By understanding the business landscape, you can identify the most effective ways to leverage your strengths, mitigate your weaknesses, and exploit available opportunities to gain a competitive edge. Knowing what is in and out of your control is essential. Are there third parties you can call upon? Is waiting out a better long-term strategy, though in the near term, painful?
Pushing an elephant off a cliff suggests employing an unorthodox strategy that might take time to be noticeable. However, overcoming significant challenges requires the collective effort of your entire organization. Ensure your team members understand the goals and objectives and align with your strategic vision. “Say it all, or not at all.” Empower them to contribute, take ownership of their responsibilities, and work together to tackle the challenges head-on. Foster an environment that encourages collaboration,
innovation, and resilience.
No half measures. Off the cliff means the problem is solved and is unlikely to return. It requires persistence, potentially hard decisions, and the willingness to learn from setbacks.