Say it all or not at all
“We need to talk.”
Four words probably set the hairs on the end of any modern adult. Whether it is from a friend, employer, partner, or anyone else you know. It forbodes an ominous follow-up; there is often a gap between the statement and the follow-up.
That gap allows the mind to speculate. In today’s world, or at any time, if there was positive news, why wouldn’t you say it all? You may have reasons. Speculate on those 😉 More importantly, as a leader, your narrative must be straightforward.
A straightforward, unambiguous narrative is essential, whether the news is good, bad, or otherwise. It allows people to plan and mobilize correctly using the data at hand. Leaving things half-said or vague makes the audience want to guess. Too often in an unproductive way. Why? It is human nature. Where do your thoughts turn when it is dark, and you hear a sound from a lightless corner? There are valid reasons to keep the good news to yourself but then say it all or wait until it is the right time.
Unless and until you are ready to deliver the news, gather all the stakeholders, and prepare yourself, keep it to yourself. Regardless of the type of news, leaders must leave the audience confident.