Blog Post

Stop Making Promises; Start Building Resolutions

Lawrence I Lerner • January 1, 2015

Updated December 2022.

CBS News polled Americans this year to see where they stood on making resolutions. The overall number is down sharply from the past two years. It was a tiny sample, but the number is a leading indicator. People are less likely to want to commit. The vague choices of losing weight or being financially better are not what you or the universe want to hear. 

Please consider this; you are the author of your own story. Create resolutions and intentions that are practical, specific, and meaningful to you. Only to you. 

Make it Practical.

Shortly before or after each New Year’s eve, tens of millions of people make a resolution to become a Zen Saint. ZS have perfect willpower and can overcome earthly or practical needs and wants. They promise themselves that their New Year’s Resolutions will become life-changing and [personal] world-altering events. The resolutions are often far from who we are or lack the support system to become a reality:

  • I will work out every day -> Last year, I went to the health club once or twice a month.
  • I will become a vegetarian ->. I am the only one in my family of five that will live this lifestyle.
  • This is the year I will be a better person -> I have never been involved with social justice.

The resolutions are noble, and no one would fault you for trying to achieve them; shoot for the stars and land in the clouds. Too often, within a few weeks, the dramatic changes we impose on ourselves are found to be unobtainable and unrealistic, and we become despondent. We give up because we don't have a path or plan to achieve them.

 Focus on the goal and not the task.


Today, I will ask you to build a “Resolution System” (RS) for yourself. Short-worded bullets and diagramming techniques such as mind mapping are great for getting your internal processes working. This is for you, be honest with yourself. When you decide on a resolution and a goal, you need a plain, practical, and (relatively) painless way to achieve it.


Part of the reason for building a system is not to struggle with an individual task (“I need to get up one hour earlier every day to go to the health club”). In this example, if you're not a morning person, try to find a health club near or on the way home from work.


(Uncover) What things do you really want to do for yourself?


Be truly selfish with your answer. Uncover what’s going to be profoundly motivating for you. It’s more than a 30-second exercise, but it shouldn't take an eight-hour day to answer it.


Write down the answers to these questions.


  1. What internal resources do I have for myself? (Intellect, Self-control, Emotional intelligence)
  2. What are the external resources that can support my goal? (Finances, Environment, Social system (family, friends, and others))?
  3. What am I good at, and how can I apply this to my resolution?
  4. What four steps will I follow to hold myself accountable and responsible? 

Notice that I haven’t asked you to make a resolution. Avoid the temptation to leap into something that sounds virtuous and great without knowing how you are achieving it. You are beginning to build a system for yourself that will support a goal that is relevant and lasting. Try to spend no more than 30 minutes answering these four questions. This is the basis for your Resolution System.

Now, take ten minutes to develop a single goal/resolution. Ten words or less. Again be selfish. What’s good for you will empower others. Visible progress to a healthier lifestyle will inspire those around you.


Go back to your RS and see how it supports your goal. Tweak as necessary but don’t spend more than another ten minutes.

  1. Why is this resolution important to me?
  2. Are there milestone goals?
  3. What will happen when I achieve it?
  4. What will I notice differently about myself?
  5. What will others notice about me? Is that important?

After three months. What have you learned?

  1. Checking in with myself after three months. How is it going?

In less than an hour, you should have the means to create something lasting and relevant to you. This same technique can be applied in your business as well.


Please share your stories of Resolution in the comments.





Download - My Resolution Goal



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